- How many stops do I to get off? 还有多少站我该下车?
- How many stops do I have to pass? 我一共坐几站?
- He still does not get the point. How many times do I have to repeat myself to get it across? 他还没能抓住要点。我要重复多少次才能使他们了解呢?
- How many stops do we have altogether? 我们一共会停靠多少个站点?
- How many stops does it make on the way? 中途要停几站?
- How many weeks in advance do I have to buy to get a discount? 我得提前几周买票才能享受折扣?
- How many times do I have to get fucked up, how many t[...... 您浏览了太多的页面,所以您无法看到该页的内容...
- Do I have to keep my ticket till after I get off? 车票要保留到下车吗?
- And how many tablets do I have to take each time? 我一次需服几粒?
- I'm sorry I don't know when to get off. 对不起,我不知道什么时候下车。
- How many stops from here to Central Square? 从这里到中央广场有多少站?
- How many stops is it to the Hong Kong Bank? 到香港银行还有多少站?
- How many stops to Waterloo Station? 到滑铁卢车站有几站?
- Where do I get off for the beach? 去海边在哪里下车?
- I want to make a gown. How many meters do I need? 我想做一件睡袍,你看买多少米合适。
- She was lucky to get off with just a few bruises. 她幸免於难,只是有几处擦伤。
- How many courses do I have to take for an M. A. ? 读研究生需要学习多少门课程?
- Where do I get off for the Bank of China? 到中国银行在哪一站下车?
- She was lucky to get off with a suspended sentence. 她侥幸被判缓刑。
- How many domains do I need to join? 我需要拥有多少个域名才能加入?